Denis Grankin Head of Sales Department

12 Key features for your great mobile app

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must have features for great app

Tablets, smartphones, wearables’ incredible growth has turned mobile applications deployment into an essential instrument for a large and powerful market. The best mobile app features should be taken into in-depth consideration to integrate an app into the model of business. Implementing invaluable app features to reflect brand personality and values does not depend on the business type you run. The following vital mobile app development features can help to dive into details while creating a thriving application for your business:

Usability first

usability first

High-quality app creating is very crucial. The app should be innovative, informative, easy to navigate. It should focus on interaction and simplicity, be not complicated and include the things that are expected.

Push Notifications

push notifications

Using simple notifications/messages is the most essential feature for direct communication with your customers by applying a device. It is used for reporting on new features, sending promotional offers that drive engagement and monetization opportunities.

Feedback system

feedback system

Feedback providing is critical to garner a reputation. Let users report bugs, complaints or suggestions, then give them feedback about the further improvements and fixes by using an open forum. It will be appreciated that their propositions are heard and accepted. It leads to enhancing trust and credibility.

Social Integration

social integration

Social integration is a necessary feature in brands and consumers connecting within the application ecosystem. Integrating with social channels simplifies the signing up process by retrieving information from the channel, allows to share posts about various events to remain users engaged with the app.



By customising content, layout, system functionality, the experience can be tailored to meet user’s needs. Items can be moved around an interface to prioritise user’s taste, interesting topics can be selected and colours, fonts, other factors related to the visual design can be altered.

Augmented Reality


An innovative and dynamic feature that allows “to try before buy” model. This model enables to try on new items or goods based on users’ characteristics to increase their ability before making a decision to purchase. AR feature goes beyond the realms of reality and provides with something exciting and extremely interactive.


Google Indoor-Maps

google indoor maps

It is a relatively new feature that allows to navigate within indoor locations (malls, libraries, museums, or sports venues). Indoor-maps feature is useful for finding the shortest route to a particular store within a mall, or navigating a large museum, finding the closest restaurants, or coffee shops, etc.

Also, you can read: Types of mobile applications & popular App categories


Payment Gateway Integration

payment gateway integration

Accepting payments is essential in trading and an extra marketing. It is highly advantageous to increase in the sales raising, and thus companies market share. This feature is applied for checking the user’s information validation, ensuring an appropriate amount of money for making a purchase is.


Advanced Analytics

advanced analytics

Implementation the analytics feature is the key element that is used to understand the user’s behaviours deeper by tracking and measuring their activity within the app. It is useful in identifying the marketing strategy, working towards user experience improvement, which will ultimately benefit the company’s business.


One click contacting

one click contacting

The crucial feature that intends to make phone calls. Any company should have one click contacting feature that will quickly reach your office by phone with a single click. It connects consumers with a business while on the go.


QR/Barcode Scanner Integration

barcode scanner integration

QR and Barcode Scanner is a highly advantageous feature allowing customers to come directly in a convenient way. QR code is picked to be framed and scanned in order to redirect a user to an item detail page helping to save time, to provide the best user experience or UX, and to improve conversion.




The primary feature that should be implemented to protect data confidentiality. Security capabilities, security improvements should be added to the app to keep data both private and secure. It helps to increase and to improve the trust factor of the mobile app.


The Bottom Line

iPhone and Android OS increase has a great impact on app development and implementation in a large mobile industry. While the app building and designing users’ satisfaction with innovative, friendly, simple app should be taken into account. It helps to fulfill the requirements and needs of the end users.

12 most critical features of the mobile application are presented in the article to reveal what makes a good app profitable. The mentioned features of the good app can be applied to both iPhone and Android platforms to create an intuitive and fast application.

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