Denis Grankin Head of Sales Department

Pros and Cons of ReactJS Web App Development

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react JS web app development

To be successful, effective in the web industry it is essential to keep pace with modern technologies. There is no absolute response what tool is chosen, so as it really depends on set goals. Reactjs is leading, well-drafted, widely applicable JavaScript (JS) technology. Software engineer Jordan Walke (from Facebook) created and released it as new perspectives on creating interactive, stateful, dynamic user-interface components concept. In accordance with Google Trends statistically average data presented below, React gained traction in 2014. It is supposed the rise of React.js in the development world of web apps, because it quickly filled the gap last year (2016).

react's growth

According to recent survey of applied JS frameworks below: 53% respondents often used it, 32% respondents planned to get familiar, 5% respondents had an experience of using it before, but do not want to continue, 11% respondents never heard about it.

JS Frameworks comparison

What is ReactJS?

It is JS library using a JSX compiler to exploit interactive complex solutions, updating ViewModel.


Trouble-free licenses usage for applications construction is easier. React has no use limitations, because it is an open-source library. It is used three-clause BSD license. It means there is a restriction on right owners' name usage for advertising.

MVC pattern

MVC permits dividing data of projects or apps into model, view, controller patterns. Each pattern modification can be managed autonomously moving to tighter code.


ReactJs introduces special JavaScript code, preprocessor step adding XML-like syntax into JavaScript. It helps to conduct building readable code, to save it in one verified file. Possibility of dropping HTML in render function without concatenating strings is excellent. Through using a particular JSX Transformer HTML is converted into functions:


Virtual DOM

React.js constructs efficient virtual DOM known as Document Object Model or vDOM. It allows to create light DOM tree and save it on server-side. It is one of the benefits working like that:

  • While user is interacting with Internet resource, new vDOM is being created.
  • Previous and recent versions are compared.
  • If mentioned versions have diffs, the vDOM will be rebuilt.

Server-side Rendering

Mentioned above feature provides creating isomorphic/universal web apps. It accelerates loads of starting page because users do not need to wait for JavaScript loadings before viewing web sites.

One-way Data binding

It is always easily seen changing data place. It helps to monitor, to debug React’s self-contained components fast, especially in large applications.

Component-based approach

It means application can be divided into tiny blocks/components. They even remain maintainable and scalable after being divided. Using mentioned approach helps to create complex web apps. By coding the custom element tags, ? CommentList and ? CommentForm are reused inside CommentBox:

component-based approach

React’s bonus for mobile solution

To exploit mobile apps by applying React Native is getting simpler after having used Reactjs for web product creation. It can be easily moved towards building, as React Native has same design patterns, makes transition easier.

bonus for mobile solution

To sum up, React is Facebook’s apple, having JavaScript technology type, own solution:

  • bringing HTML code into JavaScript;
  • working with vDOM.

React is server side rendered. Data flows in one direction. With React Native cross-platform user interfaces are possible to create for mobile apps. It requires minimal changes in turning them into native.

Advantages and Disadvantages of React.JS

There are ? benefits of ReactJS?:

  • Updates process is optimised and accelerated.
  • JSX makes components/blocks code readable. It displays how components are plugged or combined with.
  • React’s data binding establishes conditions for creation dynamic applications.
  • Prompt rendering. Using comprises methods to minimise number of DOM operations helps to optimise updating process and accelerate it.
  • Testable. React’s native tools are offered for testing, debugging code.
  • SEO-friendly. React presents the first-load experience by server side rendering and connecting event-handlers on the side of the user:


    1. React.renderComponentToString is called on the server.

    2. React.renderComponent() is called on the client side.

    3. React preserves markup rendered on the server side, attaches event handlers.


  • Up to date. Facebook team supports the library. Advice or code samples can be given by Facebook community.
  • Using React+ES6/7, application gets high-tech and is suitable for highload systems.

Drawbacks of ReactJS:

  • Learning curve. Being not full-featured framework it is requered in-depth knowledge for integration user interface free library into MVC framework.
  • View-orientedness is one of the cons of ReactJS. It should be found 'Model' and 'Controller' to resolve 'View' problem.
  • Not using isomorphic approach to exploit application leads to search engines indexing problems.
  • Lots of developers dislike JSX React’s documentation, manuals are difficult for newcomers’ understanding.
  • React’s large size library.

React or not to React?

To find an answer to this question is hard and difficult as it is said there are ? pros and cons of ReactJS? , admirers and haters. Thus, React is still the safest tool to exploit long-term supported web application. It renders user interface components in a meaningful way. It is an appropriate choice for gradually modernising relevant code base.

React represents absolutely diverse approach for developing full-featured web apps, helps in organising data logic, view changing in an easy-to-maintain, modifiable and scalable structure without compromising UX.

DDI Development company successfully implemented and continues developing web solutions applying ReactJS. Choice is very reasonable: js library is light-weighted, flexible, easily integrated, includes isomorphic rendering, greatly performed.

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