Denis Grankin Head of Sales Department

How to Choose a Technology Stack for Web Application Development

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choose a technology stack

When building any digital software product, the technology question comes up at the beginning of the process. Selecting appropriate software technologies, software language and third-party solutions that make a logically constructed platform to create successful and efficient web solutions is challenging.

The technology stack (solution or software stack) includes client-side and server-side (frontend and backend respectively) parts - the main pillars of the application software.

  • Backend (server-side) consists of the HTTP server, app server, database server. All mentioned components form the business logic of the product; are executed by a web server.
  • Frontend (client-side) or visual side is created with HTML, CSS (Style Sheet Language), JavaScript (Scripting Language) in order to view a website. Client-side/front-end is executed by a browser. We provide a software stack structure below:

technology stack structure

Popular technology stacks that work in tandem and are used to provide fully functioning web product are shown below:

popular technology stacks

The tech stack parts interaction

stack parts interaction

The key factors to be considered

Project type

Software projects can be divided into 3 types based on the complexity:

  • Low complexity projects implicate out-of-the-box-solutions, CMS, web templates appliance to build landing pages, plain e-shops and applications; minimum staffing is involved when developing.
  • Medium complexity projects such as online stores, marketplaces, enterprise solutions are usually created based on frameworks; involve staff from more than one department.
  • High complexity projects imply eCommerce solutions, large portals, data-based applications development with a mixture of frameworks, software languages, tools, accelerators; extensive cross-departmental interaction.

Out-of-the-box solutions

Also called off-the-shelf, refer to software that can be installed ready-made for the general public. One of the positives of mentioned software is ready to be installed.

3rd party solutions integration

If the software technologies you selected enable a great number of 3rd party solutions to be integrated, it is great: the required functions can be easily connected without inventing xyz motion.

System load requirements

  • Low latency. The term ‘latency’ is the amount of time it takes for the host server to receive and process a request for a page object. Reducing latency, creating highly responsive product implicate the specific software technologies appliance.
  • Heavy loads. Implies heavy loading process (file sharing, video streaming sites), so the software tools should be chosen based on their availability to solve the problem of high loads.

Specialists Availability

Turning an idea into outstanding web solution wants finding a skilful experienced team who can apply chosen tools. But it is just the start point. Then the support procedure should be also worked out after web app launching.

Documents, specifications, dev community

When coding any team of developers encounters the tricky issues problem. Solving a problem can be time-consuming. Huge dev community, rich documents and specifications can help to tackle issues in order not to miss the web project deadline.

Safety and security

Assure the web product is built based on the safety principles in order to prevent threats, minimize critical areas. It is required to select software technologies that have safety and security instructions in order to create highly secure, protected web product.

Easy testing

Any digital product contains coding lines that will obviously have bugs to be fixed. It is required a lot of time to remove all failures that bottleneck the development. Easily testable software solutions help to avoid this problem as some of them include test-driven approach by default to warrant the quality.

Cost of development

?harges will depend on the applying software tools when developing a web product. Consider the positive correlation between selected software stack and cost: more advanced tech solutions imply the high development cost.


Growing product requires a well-defined scalability matrix that should have scenarios for both scale up (vertical) and scale out (horizontal), will also let you know if any loopholes are left. If possible, get your product architect to highlight key features which enable scalability feature.

Time to market

The time a web product needs from being conceived until availability for sale is time to market. When launching your product on time you have much more time to beat more rivals, collect product revenue.

Bottom line

Determining the software technologies based on the requirements of the future product is the underlying concept. It is not a good idea to defer to time-tested tools, even if powerful successful organisations have applied them. You need to find the right tech partner or company for great product delivery in order not to break down the budget with the false choice.

DDI Development team of software engineers will help select the right software tools and technologies, deliver highly proficient digital solution - the web application that will have highend functionality in order to grow your business and gain more revenue.

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