Any business is driven by its employees and adopting an HR CRM system is critical to managing the workflow. The employees are the number one priority regardless their direct responsibility to drive the business growth and revenue.
By successfully implementing a CRM system, organizations can better ensure that their employees’ data will be reliable, current, and easy for any department to access anywhere, at any time.
Ultimately, HR CRM solution puts employees at the heart of a business’s operations and facilitate and enhance extraordinary experiences that boost top- and bottom-line performance.
Project challenges when developing HR CRM
- Continuously changing client’s requirements led to the unclear idea about the objectives and key functionalities required in the HR CRM system.
- We managed to gather all the information within the recruitment company including employees from top management and end-users to discuss their daily struggles and reasons leading to inefficiencies in their workflow.
- CRM implementation required involving all the potential or would-be employees right from the early stages.
Our solutions when building HR CRM
- We helped to automate the process of storing personal data, managing attendance/absence, and visitors, development training schedule.
- Provided equipment and software tracking solution proactively warns the recruitment company before the equipment costs are more to maintain as compared to the amount of revenue it is generating.
- Built-in e-forms offer a wide range of documents that were created to capture, validate, and submit employee-related information.
- Agile methodology was used while HR CRM system development. It focused on the client engagement, flexible planning, current estimation, risk mitigation in order to complete the project according to the client’s requirements that regularly change.
- The following technologies and tools were applied while CRM development: Python/Django, Django REST Framework, Djcelery, MySQL, Ext JS 5.1, Fusioncharts, Twitter Bootstrap 3.
Also, you can read our case study: how we developed ATS for recruiting needs
The key features of HR CRM
Personal data. All employees information/data is collected, then stored in the system according to the privacy laws. The department the employee belongs to can be viewed, and available employee’s data can be modified.
Attendance/absence management. Monitoring the attendance/absence of all employees periodically is essential to update records. This helps to calculate absenteeism rates for the purposes of attendance management. Below you can see an absentee history report, in which:
- V - Vacation
- LO - Left Office
- LLE - Late/Left Early
- LT - Late
- B - Business Trip
- P - Personal/Sick
- BR - Bereavement
- V1/2 - 1/2 Vacation
- BDO - Birthday day off
- M -Maternity
- LOA - LOA/Extended
- other - other
Visitors management. Used to track in a formal way the visitors who are not regular full-time employees. This helps increase office productivity and enhance the office security.
Development training schedule. This feature shows the regular employees’ training schedule. This is useful in a workflow to practice the knowledge and skills using the regular or existing workplace tools, machines, documents, equipment, knowledge, necessary for them to learn to effectively perform their job.
Equipment and software record. Monthly and annual equipment and software maintenance are timely inspected and checked due to the automated processes streamlining operations.
Service reporting. It enables to create and distribute reports that show the current state of employees’ information, such as employee list, absence from the workplace (vacation, illness, other absence, franchisors report, birthdays report).
Electronic forms, such as vacation application, sick leave application, and maternity leave application allow employees to request them, then HR is able to approve them or deny. Below you can see a vacation application form.
Institutional and management structure. Organizational structure provides a visual representation of how information flows from level to level within the recruitment company, how the decisions are made at various different levels or how the decisions flow from the top down. Below you can see an organizational recruitment company structure:
Event calendar. It includes special events, holidays, federal and state observances, historic anniversaries in order to keep the staff organized and up to date. Consider an event calendar provided below:
Also, you can read our case study: how does CRM software improve business process in your company
The major benefits of the HR CRM
Let’s discover the major benefits of how the HR CRM system has helped the recruitment company survive and thrive:
- Operations that are performed automatically and in an organized way allow reducing operational costs.
- By better aligning business processes, HR CRM system helps recruitment company rise to eminence and grow efficiently.
- Streamlining and automating processes allow recruitment company to enforce best practices and frees up their employees to focus on higher-value business activities.
- Having intuitive, time-saving HR CRM solution, employees do their job better and provide more value to the business.
- Integrating HR CRM solution with other applications, which have already existed in the company, maximizes the system value and adds it to the employee-facing activities.
Bottom line
The success of any CRM solution depends first and foremost on the IT company that implements it and on the manner in which the system is used. DDI Development team successfully built an HR CRM solution, in which data was organized in one, easy-to-access system that is better than spread out among multiple departments and employees.
With the benefit of implemented CRM, a recruitment company can empower its employees to make intelligible decisions and keep them up to date based on the accurate information with increased collaboration within the organization. If you have any idea, let us know and we help to create efficient and effective CRM digital solution.