Denis Grankin Head of Sales Department

Case Study: How we've created a Telemedicine Platform for a medical company

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develop a telemedicine platform

Nowadays, healthcare is one of the fastest-growing industries in the entire world. According to recent research, the global healthcare market is expected to reach nearly 85.95 billion U.S. dollars by 2027 and grow at a CAGR of 10.40%. High interest in personalized medicine, increased use of technologies, and demand for expanded care delivery solutions are all reasons that impact the healthcare ecosystem.

That’s why the healthcare market is looking for e-health solutions such as telemedicine platforms to survive in today’s competitive digital world. Statista predicts that the telemedicine market size will increase to 460 billion U.S. dollars by 2030. Unsurprisingly, telemedicine solutions are gaining traction among patients, medical organizations, and investors. According to Becker's Hospital Review, there are about 280 active telehealth companies in the U.S. Further, more than half of all hospitals in the U.S. now offer some form of telehealth services. Are you interested? Let’s find out more details below:

What is a Telemedicine Platform?

Telemedicine platform, also known as a telehealth app platform, brings patients and healthcare providers closer together in a digital environment and improves access to care. To put it simply, it helps patients to talk to clinicians anytime and from anywhere while clinicians can remotely evaluate, diagnose and treat patients for a diverse range of appointment types, including consultations and follow-up care.

Types of Telemedicine Platforms

There are numerous different ways that telemedicine services can be delivered to patients. However, you can find 3 types for telehealth used today. Let’s take a closer look at them below:

  • Real-time interaction: patients and providers (clinicians) interact in real time by using video conferencing software to hear and see each other.
  • Store-and-forward: healthcare providers share patient medical information - lab reports, blood tests, imaging studies, videos, etc. with a physician, radiologist, or specialist at another location.
  • Remote monitoring: used for the management of high-risk patients and allows healthcare professionals to track the patient’s vital signs and activities at a distance.

To sum up, store-and-forward and remote monitoring types of telemedicine are used to enhance traditional in-person visits, while real-time telemedicine platform can be used to speed up the process of providing healthcare in certain situations.

What’s the idea of the Telemedicine Platform?

Providing a variety of digital solutions, we, at DDI Development, often receive requests to develop customizable medical solutions to serve users better. The idea of using a telemedicine app platform to consult with your clinician may seem like a totally incredible thing, but you may be surprised to discover that telemedicine solutions have definitely gained traction and become mainstream. That’s why telemedicine app development opens up great opportunities to deliver secure, two-way digital communications without the need to travel to the doctor’s office. In addition to that, patients can schedule appointments online in one click.

Having that in mind, we have developed a concept of telemedicine platform for the medical company that includes all the necessary elements to deliver more efficient, convenient and potentially more cost-effective delivery of healthcare. Sounds impressive, right? Let’s find out more details below!

User Roles

Here you can find user customization that provides certain privileges and grant access to the system features and functionality. There are three user levels within the telemedicine platform: Patient, Doctor, and Admin. Let’s take a look below:

  • Patients are users with basic permissions who can request online consultation with a doctor.
  • Doctors are users who can view patient’s profiles - medical records, lab results, view and schedule appointments, etc.
  • Admin has the highest administrative responsibilities and security level.

Project structure of the Telemedicine Platform

Here you can see what technologies may be applied for telemedicine platform development for a medical company: project structure of the telehealth application

Patient Dashboard

If you sign in as a Patient, you will see the main list of navigation around the telemedicine platform. You can find the following options presented in the main menu:

  • Profile
  • Doctors
  • Medications
  • Messages
  • Calls
  • Billing
  • Visit History
  • Notifications

With the widgets that are specific areas of the patient dashboard, you can view or perform specific actions in the telemedicine platform:


From the corresponding option in your main menu, you can find this feature that provides you with all the necessary information about the patient. Not only can you view your personal health information and choose a clinician, but also you can communicate with him or her, view lab results and medications, review recent visit summaries. Here you can find the general information about the patient - first and last name, date of birth, allergies, FmHx, etc. Also, you can see the following tabs:

patient profile

  • Tests
  • Appointments
  • Visit history
  • Notes and records
  • Documentation


Using the corresponding item in the main menu of the telemedicine platform, you can find all the information about clinicians, their experience, availability, qualifications, contact details, testimonials, etc. Not only can you review their profiles and qualifications, but also you can choose a doctor based on information such as specialty, rating, gender, etc. By using the Search option, there is a possibility to find a doctor who meets your wants and needs and schedule an appointment. Additionally, you can find the following buttons: Add to my Provider, Send a message or Video Consult now.



That feature can be found in the main menu of the telemedicine portal. With its help, clinicians can send important medication reminders to their patients. Not only does it encourage users to fill their prescriptions, but also they take their medication on a regular basis. Here you can find the following:

  • Medication with two tabs - list and schedule
  • My reports
  • Activities (exercises, cycling, run, swimming)


When side effects do occur after using a medicine, you can report about it by clicking the Report Side Effect button.


With that option, you can easily chat with your doctor in real time via instant messages. From the comfort of your home or office, you can get all the medical information you need. Only after choosing a course of action can a doctor guide you - no more self-diagnosis and sitting in the waiting room for hours when you only need a quick check-up or to update a prescription - just message your doctor in one click. All that you can easily do in the telemedicine app platform. Messages


With that option, you can choose a doctor, connect with him/her through video call and get face-to-face online video consultations once you are signed up. Not only can a doctor diagnose you, but also he/she provides you with an effective treatment. However, it’s essential to mention that online video consultations are not appropriate for urgent medical care, and it’s imperative to visit doctors offline to reach the correct diagnosis within the telemedicine platform. Calls


From the corresponding option in your main menu, you can find the Billing option. With the increase in online payments, you can pay your medical bills online from your computer that is safe and free. Successfully integrated payment solution securely captures, stores, and processes card data across the telemedicine platform that speeds up and simplifies the payment process. Billing

Visit History

This option provides patients with the ability to view a visit history within the telemedicine portal. A patient visit history tab shows all patient visit history, the type of patient visit and the visit date. Additionally, the information bar at the top lets you see the frequency of the patient visits. All the information is presented in a well-structured table with the following columns:

Visit History

  • ID
  • Date
  • Provider
  • Details
  • Status
  • Action


This feature keeps patients up-to-date from their initial request for a virtual consultation. Additionally, patients can indicate their notification preferences to conveniently receive email updates within the telemedicine platform. Not only does it help to quickly understand what is going on, but also patients are notified about relevant documentation attached or if the patient doesn’t adhere to the care plan including medications.

Doctor Dashboard

After signing in as a Doctor, you can see the main list of navigation around the telemedicine platform. You can find the following options presented in the main menu:

  • Profile
  • Patients
  • Appointments
  • Waiting room
  • Messages
  • Calls
  • Payments
  • Notifications

With the widgets that are specific areas of the patient dashboard, you can view or perform specific actions in the telemedicine portal:


You can find this feature from the corresponding option in your main menu. Here is all the information about the doctor: education, work experience, rating, publications, insurance. Also, you can see a map with the clinician’s location, consultation dates. doctor's profile


With that feature, you can see a list of patients you treat or consult within the telemedicine platform. Here you can find a well-structured table with the following columns:

list of patients

  • ID#
  • Patient Name
  • Age
  • Diagnosis
  • Date of visit
  • Status

This table helps doctors to see how many patients they treat, what disease their patients have and what treatment course, etc. By clicking on the Patient, you will be redirected to the patient page where you can find all the information about the patient such as: general information, visit history, notes and records, tests, etc.patient page


You can find this feature in your main menu. This feature keeps you up to date about your appointments and recent news. Not only does it help you to see who booked and what time, but also you can call or chat with the patient directly if there are some questions you need to discuss before the consultation begins. Here you can find 3 tabs - today, upcoming, past. Appointments

Waiting room

You can reach the Waiting room feature from the corresponding option in your main menu. It allows doctors to see patients that made an online request for a visit and waited in a virtual waiting room. Doctor easily sees patients’ symptoms, the Date and Time of their visits, and can switch between Show All and Waiting. In addition to that, a doctor can click on the following buttons: Message, Video and Decline. By clicking on the patient, more detailed information will be displayed:

Waiting room

  • Tests
  • Medications
  • Medical notes
  • Allergy
  • Visit history


From the corresponding section in your main menu, you can find the Messages page. With that feature, you can communicate with patients by sending and receiving text-based messages, sharing files, etc. Not only does it help you to reach any patient in one click, but also it speeds up remote patient-doctor communication. Messages page


That option allows doctors to consult patients remotely through any device - smartphone, laptop or computer. Not only can a doctor communicate, diagnose and prescribe treatments, but also he/she can connect you with another physician if there is a need to provide better insight into medical concern. Calls page


That feature allows you to set up and configure different payment methods to manage how your patients can pay for your services. In addition to that, you can see how many patients have been charged and how much money you have earned. All the information is presented in a table that has the ID#, patient name, date, details, amount, status, action and the following tabs:

different payment methods

  • all;
  • drafts;
  • pending;
  • paid.


This feature keeps doctors up-to-date about their schedule, payments, changes in visits, etc. Additionally, practitioners get notifications about test results, lab reports and other important updates delivered through a secure, reliable telemedicine system that opens up great possibilities to improve patient care.

Admin Dashboard

Only by logging in the system as an Administrator, you can see the following navigation:

  • Users
  • Documentation
  • Appointments
  • Finances
  • Reports
  • Settings

Let’s take a look at them in details below!


The Users page can be reached from the corresponding option in the main menu. Here you can find all the types of users who have access to the telemedicine platform. Not only can you manage them, but also you can edit or remove their existing information. On this page you can see the table with the following columns:

users page

  • #ID
  • Full name
  • Role (Patient/Doctor)
  • E-mail
  • Address
  • Actions

Also, you can search through your list of users by typing parts of names or whole names into the field or filter them.


From the corresponding option in your main menu, you can find the Documentation page. Here you can find all the documents related to patient care, medical records (progress notes, physician orders, physician certification, physical therapy notes, ER records), insurance, etc. With that feature, you facilitate patient-clinician communication, generate evidence-based decisions, provide evidence for legal records and create patient registry functions so public health agencies can manage and research large patient populations more efficiently within the telemedicine app platform. Documentation page


The Appointments page can be found in the main menu of the telemedicine platform. Here you will see all the appointments arranged and select the period you want to be shown. All the information you can find in a well-structured table with the following columns:

Appointments page

  • ID#
  • Date
  • Doctor
  • Patient
  • Payer Type
  • Patient Payment
  • Action

In addition to that, you can export data from database to CSV file by clicking the Export CSV button, or just update all the information by pressing the Update button.


Designed to save your time, this feature opens up a great opportunity to easily manage the money flow such as online invoicing and automatic payment reminders within the telemedicine platform. Not only can you track income and expense, but also you can create and send online invoices, accept online payments and make data-driven business decisions. Here you can see the table with the following columns:

Finances page

  • ID
  • Name
  • Amount
  • Payment method
  • Status (paid, draft, pending)
  • Action


With the Reports feature within the telemedicine system, you can visualize data, explore different views, and even combine multiple databases together with ease and give actionable insights into your business. On the page you will see the following dashboards:

reports page

  • Total Patient
  • Available staff
  • Gross income
  • Appointments
  • Patient by gender
  • Patient activity


You can reach the Settings page from the corresponding option in your main menu. Here you can allow or restrict your users (Patients, Doctors) from receiving or sharing, exporting, medical documents within the telemedicine platform. Not only does it give the advantage of protecting the medical documents from unnecessary distribution, but also you can protect them from leakage. Settings page

Key features of telemedicine software

Here you can find key features of the telemedicine software you should know about before you start the telemedicine app development. Let’s delve into details below:

  • Instant messages: patients can exchange text-based messages with doctors in real time before, during or after an appointment if they need to clarify some details.
  • Encryption and security protocols: with that feature, you can keep sensitive patient data safe and secure.
  • Videocalls: allows you to provide face-to-face interactions on a computer or mobile device with high-quality video and audio.
  • Appointment setting: by logging onto the system and selecting an available time slot from a calendar provided, patients can schedule appointments themselves.
  • Billing: allows you to collect insurance information to provide the medical billing process.
  • Virtual waiting room: patients can wait for a digital appointment before the consultation.
  • Clinical documentation: allows you to deliver better patient care while respecting patient privacy.
  • E-prescribing: allows you to create and send prescriptions to a patient’s pharmacy of choice.
  • HIPAA-compliance: allows you to reduce errors through safe, universally accepted, electronic communication of healthcare transactions.

Technologies Used in Telemedicine Platforms

The technologies that find great application in telemedicine app development include:

  • Artificial Intelligence: using AI-fueled language processing, chatbots, voice recognition, and machine learning technologies allows users to get a new and more personalized experience.
  • Big Data: by utilizing big data technology, you can collect and evaluate electronic healthcare records (EHRs) to provide more precise diagnoses, do medical researches and enhance treatment.
  • Blockchain: allows you to process healthcare data securely and exclude its loss.
  • IoT: with that technology, you provide better patient care services such as tracking, diagnosis, treatment suggestions, medication adherence, built-in emergency response systems, and more.

Why do you need a Telemedicine Platform for your business?

There may be a variety of reasons why organizations need a telemedicine platform for their businesses. Keep reading about the most critical ones:

  • If there is a need to minimize the administrative burden by eliminating paperwork and providing the ability to share information securely and easily within the telemedicine platform.
  • If you want to make patients involved in their care by providing them with a convenient way to access their personal health information.
  • If you want to save lives through remote consultations - urgent or diagnostic - and reduce the need for emergency visits and hospitalization.
  • If you want all health-related information accessed at any time and from any location without physical needs to carry medical records everywhere.
  • If there is a need to improve administrative efficiency and management.
  • If you want to improve the quality, productivity, and work-life balance of the clinicians.
  • If you want to serve patients better by providing virtual consultations available from any place in one click.

Benefits of the telemedicine software for your business

A telemedicine platform:

  • Provides people with clear and more insight into their health.
  • Simplifies collaboration between doctor and patient by eliminating time-consuming paperwork and offering an ability to share the information among other colleagues in an easy and secure manner.
  • Saves time and provides better health plan management that leads to better patient care decisions.
  • Increases timeliness of treatment and decreases transfer rates while reducing medical costs through video technology.
  • Protects medical records by enhancing privacy and security.
  • Creates a more efficient, convenient, potentially more cost-effective delivery of care.
  • Provides a connection with your doctors through a follow-up virtual consultation.

Bottom line: Are you equipped with a Telemedicine Solution?

In today’s environment, digital trends cannot be ignored. What’s more, industries that have transformed their processes are already receiving their benefits. Going digital for the healthcare industry globally is just a matter of time. Not only do digital technologies enable better engagement, improve access to healthcare professionals and help to build more personal patient-doctor relationships, but they also offer faster, more convenient and secure healthcare services available from any place and from any device. That’s why if you are interested in delivering telemedicine solutions, just let us know. We, at DDI Development, have extensive experience and knowledge and can provide you with actionable and sophisticated telemedicine app development solution that will grow your business and drive more revenue.

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